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LOOP Barcelona 2014


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The place for videoart lovers

LOOP Barcelona 2014

Avec galerie / with gallery :

Martine & Thibault de la Châtre

Hotel Catalonia Ramblas (Barcelona, Spain)

2014.06.05 - 06.07


Wednesday 4 June, 9pm

Thursday 5 June, 12pm to 7.30pm

Friday 6 & Saturday 7 June, 3pm to 5pm

Thursday 5 June, 7.30pm to 9pm

Friday 6 & Saturday 7 June, from 4pm to 9pm


i : letter (2013) >


i : letter

Video, 2013


3' 24", color, stereo

Original text, voice in English by artist

Unknown people make some noises outside and wake up the “i” who was asleep in the bedroom. Woken up unexpectedly in the dark night, the “i” gets motivated to write on those noises heard through the window. Written letters on the paper are animated then fly away in the air. The scene, experienced in real, feels like a dream, of elsewhere and of the moment aside. Little letters make a letter sent to nobody, an intimate writing, or a nocturne monolog.

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